Tag Archives: Closing the sale

Closing is NOT about selling! The ONE reason you aren’t closing …

Closing is NOT about selling! The ONE reason you aren’t closing …

Have you missed a sale or a closing opportunity? We tend to think of CLOSING as selling but closing is all about BUSINESS! We use a close to get an appointment. We use a close to make things happen.

If you haven’t been taught to close, and I don’t mean taught by sitting in on a company sales meeting, or being lectured by the ‘how to sell’ local guru company about closing or showed you videos. I mean, has someone sat down with you and beat you to death on your closing.

Closing doesn’t have a time. It doesn’t have a place. Closing is all about the feeling you need to learn in order to finish the business as soon as your client is ready for it. Or should I call them, your partner. You should look at every closing as a partnership. Because every partnership is about continuing your relationship. If you sell them something you want to sell them over and over again. If you set an appointment you want to start a relationship and make it ongoing. Both of you should benefit and both will come out winners.

Back to the ONE reason you aren’t closing. You have not been taught how to close and closing is the most important area to be great.

You need to practice closing in everything you do. Close your wife, your husband, your kids. Close the grocer, the cashier, the people in the elevator. Close if you want to use the remote control, go out to dinner.

And you need to have someone teach you that closing is an emotional time. It is not an event.

When you walk into your clients office you should open with a close. You should be able to see in their eyes when they are ready for the close even in the middle of your sale, description, presentation…

You should be able to hear it in their words, see it in their body language. There is no coming back from going right past the perfect time to close. And that ‘time’ is when your partner is ready to be closed.

I teach parents how to close their kids. I teach kids how to close their parents. I teach entrepreneurs how to close for their appointment.  I teach sales people how to close their sale. I teach managers how to close with their staff.

We spend a lifetime closing and yet almost none of us study the how, when and why of closing. And it is not at a specific time in your presentation, not a specific place in your script, but it is at a specific emotional time and place that your partner will give to you IF you know what you are looking for.

I wish you success and wealth!

Steve Sapato


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